Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings Saison 2 (2010)

Sengoku Basara Ni / 戦国Basara弐


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24 min
24 min
24 min
11. juil. 2010
deDer verheerende Toyotomi Hideyoshi
enReturn to a Chaotic Era! The Advent of the World-Shattering Lord of Arms, Toyotomi Hideyoshi!
jaRansei futatabi! Rekkai butei toyotomi hideyoshi kourin! (乱世再び! 裂界武帝・豊臣秀吉降臨!)
24 min
24 min
24 min
18. juil. 2010
deVerlorenes Rechtes Auge
enThe Lost Right Eye, The Gashed Dragon`s Back
jaUshinawareta Migime Kirisakareta Ryuu no Senaka (失われた右目 斬り裂かれた竜の背中!)
24 min
24 min
24 min
25. juil. 2010
deKampf der Ideale
enKeiji vs. Toshiie! Choked, unyielding emotions at Tetorigawa!
jaKeiji Tai Toshiie! Tetorigawa ni Musebu Yuzurenu Omoi! (慶次対利家! 手取川に咽ぶゆずれぬ想い!)
24 min
24 min
24 min
01. août 2010
deDer Geist der Azuchi-Burg
enGhost of Azuchi Castle!? The Sighs and Devilish Howls which Haunt Yukimura!
jaAzujijou no Bourei!? Yukimura wa Osou Nageki to Ma no Houkou! (安土城の亡霊!? 幸村を襲う嘆きと魔の咆哮!)
24 min
24 min
24 min
08. août 2010
deSiegel des Schwurs
enThe Vow`s Seal! The One-Eyed Dragon vs. the God of War Confrontation at Hitoribashi!
jaSeigan no Kakuin! Doykuganryuu tai Gunshin Hitoribashi no Taiji! (誓願の刻印! 独眼竜対軍神 人取橋の対峙!)
24 min
24 min
24 min
15. août 2010
deBrüllende Fäuste der Eroberung
enThe Threatening Alliance of Toyotomi and Mori! The Thundering Fists of the Conqueror Tear Through the Waves!
jaKyoui no Toyotomi Mori Doumei! Umibara o Saku Hatagashira no Gouken!! (脅威の豊臣・毛利同盟! 海原を裂く覇の豪拳!!)
24 min
24 min
24 min
22. août 2010
deAuf nach Satsuma
enTo Satsuma in the Far South! Yukimura`s New Manly Resolve!
jaSainantan Satsuma no Chi e! Yukimura, Arata naru Otoko no Deai (最南端・薩摩の地へ! 幸村, 新たなる漢の出逢い)
24 min
24 min
24 min
29. août 2010
deTrauriges Wiedersehen
enThe Friends' Sad Reunion, the Fiercely-Ingrained Memories of That Day!
jaTomo kaki to no kanashi ki saikai takeshi shitsu kizama reshi nichi no kioku (友垣との哀しき再会 猛執刻まれし日の記憶)
24 min
24 min
24 min
05. sept. 2010
deDer Drache und das Monster
enDragon vs. Demon, Clash at Owari! Rush, Alliance of Date and Chosokabe!!
jaRyuu to oni owari no gekitotsu ! bakusou ! date . chou sogabe rengougun !! (竜と鬼 尾張の激突! 爆走!伊達・長曾我部連合軍!!)
24 min
24 min
24 min
12. sept. 2010
deDie Auferstehung des jungen Tigers
enRebirth of the Young Tiger! The Rebuilt Fortress Nichirin Menaces the East!
jaFukkatsu no wakaki tora ! kaizou daiyousai . nichirin no kyoui , higashi e !! (復活の若き虎! 改造大要塞・日輪の脅威, 東へ!!)
24 min
24 min
24 min
19. sept. 2010
deKeijis gebrochenes Herz
enToyotomi's Great Main Army Dashes for Supremacy! Earnest Keiji Drawns Sword in Heartbreak!!
jaHa sou toyotomi oomoto tai ! honki no yoshi tsugi , danchou no batsu katana !! (覇走豊臣大本隊! 本気の慶次, 断腸の抜刀!!)
24 min
24 min
24 min
26. sept. 2010
deRot gegen Blau
enCrimson and Azure Battle to the Death! The Sound of the Wind Blowing at the End of the Fierce Fight!!
jaAo kurenai kesshi sen ! gekitou no hate ni fuku kaze no oto yo !! (蒼紅決死戦! 激闘の果てに吹く風の音よ!!)
24 min
enSengoku Basara Ni: Ryuuko, Itadaki no Chikai! Atsuki Mirai e Kakeru Tamashii!! [Ep 13]
28 min
enMini Sengoku Basara 2: Katakura-kun
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